Series: Purpose
God-centered worship always leads to God-sized sacrifice and obedience.
When God is the center of our worship…
Isaiah 6:1-8
We revere His greatness.
False worship leads us to be…
- Uninterested in the majesty of God.
- Unaware of the presence of God. (Isaiah 1:10-14)
True worship leads us to…
- Rediscover His majesty. (Isaiah 40:25-26)
- Rejoice in His presence.
We reflect His holiness.
- The church: a reflection of God or the world?
- We are the temple of God! (1 Corinthians 6:33)
- Personal: What areas of my life are not reflecting His holiness?
- Corporate: What areas of the church that are not reflecting His holiness?
We commit to His purpose. (Mark 11:17) (Jeremiah 7:11)
- How we worship will greatly affect who else worships. (Is. 56:7)
- Worship is the fuel of this unstoppable mission.
- Worship is the goal of the unstoppable mission.
God-centered worship always leads to God-size sacrifice and obedience.

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