From Ephesians 2:1-10
The sinner that has trusted Christ Jesus has been raised from spiritual deadness and made alive for eternity.
Jesus Christ has worked for you; now let Him work in you and through you, that He might give you an exciting, creative life to the glory of God.
God’s Four Specific Works
Sin’s works against us. (2:1-3)
- We are dead. (1)
- Romans 6:23
- We are disobedient. (2-3a)
- We are depraved. (3b)
- We are doomed. (3c)
God’s work for us. (2:4-9)
- He loved us. (4)
- He quickened us. (5)
- He exalted. (6)
- He keeps us. (7-9)
God’s work in us. (2:10a)
God’s work through us. (2:10b)
Are you wearing the grave-clothes or grace-clothes?

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