We are excited about our upcoming Baltimore mission trip. You will find the details for the trip below. This will include lodging/housing for the week as well as a general schedule of what we will be doing each day. You will see that our work this year will be to continue assisting our church plant partners build relationships with local schools. We are excited about what God will do through us in Baltimore this year!
If you are going to go on this trip, please fill out the registration form below by TUESDAY, APRIL 30.
Dates: May 25 – June 1, 2023
Housing in Baltimore: Middle River Baptist Church
Mission focus: Freedom Church Windsor Mill, Jay Jones
Saturday, May 25, 2024 – Meet @ FBCF, load up and leave by 8 AM
- Stop 1 – Anderson, SC (I-85 exit 21 – restrooms at QT, ETA 10.15 AM)
- Stop 2 – Salisbury, NC (I-85 exit 75 – lunch and restrooms, ETA 12.30 PM, leave by 1.15 PM)
- Stop 3 – Henderson, NC (I-85 exit 213 – restrooms at Shell/Valero, ETA 3.15 PM)
- Stop 4 – Fredericksburg, VA (I-95 exit 126B – dinner and lodge at Holiday Inn Express Southpoint, ETA 6PM)
Sunday, May 26 – Leave hotel by 8.30 am (breakfast and devotion before loading the buses)
- Arrive –Freedom Church Windsor Mill (FCWM) for worship
- Lunch in church community FCWM
- Survey Watershed Elementary projects
- Depart for Middle River Baptist Church (MRBC), set up for lodging
- Dinner out, Walmart run for breakfast and dinner supplies
Monday, May 27 – Breakfast pick up 7-8 am @ MRBC;
- 8 AM – Group prayer and starter; load up and leave by 8.30
- Watershed:
- Begin exterior classroom work (Clearing vines/bushes)
- Begin clean up of garden
- Plumbing repair – 2 toilets to replace
- Paint preparation (4 bathrooms, library)
- Watershed:
- 4.30 clean up worksites
- 5 PM – return to MRBC
- Dinner @ MRBC – Spaghetti
- 8 PM – Group devotion/sharing/prayer
- Fun outing?
Tuesday, May 28 – Breakfast pick up 7.30 – 8 am @ MRBC; leave by 8.15
- Watershed Elementary projects:
- Clearing for outdoor classroom
- Garden clean up
- Begin outside fencing of garden (if possible)
- Painting
- 4 pm – clean up worksites
- 4.30 pm – head to MRBC, clean up
- 6 pm – Head to Inner Harbor
- 8.30ish – Group Devotion/Sharing
Wednesday, May 29 – Breakfast pick up 7.30- 8 am @ MRBC; leave by 8.15 am
- Watershed:
- Mulch outdoor classroom spaces
- Garden fence repair
- Begin building garden canopy
- Paint
- Begin playground repair
- 4.30 – Clean up worksites
- 5 – Head to MRBC to clean up
- Dinner at MRBC – Taco Bar
- 7.30/after dinner – group devotion, sharing, and prayer
Thursday, May 30 – Breakfast pick up 6.30-7 am @ MRBC; depart for Lansdowne Elementary by 7.15 am
- Lansdown Elementary: AM only
- Field Day!
- Sack lunch at Hillcrest Park
- Watershed: Finalize projects at WCS today
- Garden canopies
- Mulch Mountain
- Outdoor Classroom creation
- Finish painting
- Complete work on play ground
- Place floor tiles
- 4 pm – clean up worksites
- 4.30 – head to MRBC and clean up
- 6 pm – Dinner in Baltimore
- 8.30ish – Group Devotion time
Friday, May 31 – Breakfast pick up 6.30-7 am @ MRBC; depart for Lansdowne Elementary by 7.45 am (We will be leaving today, so we will load up the vans/trailer BEFORE we leave MRBC)
- Morning:
- Lansdowne Elementary Field Day
- Assist with Field Day clean up
- Sack lunch at Hillcrest Park
- Afternoon:
- Finalize projects at FCWM
- Prepare for Watershed celebration at FCWM
- Set up area
- Signage
- Distribute jobs/assignments
- 5.30 pm – block party start
- 7.30pm – depart from FCWM to head home
- Dinner on your own en route
- 9.30ish Arrive at Holiday Inn Express Fredericksburg, VA (I-95 exit 126)
Saturday, June 1 – Depart hotel by 8 am
- Stop 1 – Henderson, NC (I-85 exit 213)
- Stop 2 – Salisbury, NC (I-85 exit 76, eat lunch)
- Stop 3 – Greer, SC (I-85 exit 60)
- Stop 4 – Commerce, GA (I-85 exit 149)
- Arrive at FBCF; est arrival 6.30 pm
Lodging Cost per person (staying at MRBC):
- 2 persons per room*: $175 each
- 3 persons per room*: $132 each
- 4 persons per room*: $110 each
*Per room person total is for the two nights in hotels (going and coming) – Holiday Inn Express – $135/night
Lodging at MRBC will be in their Sunday School/Education space. Each person will need to have an air mattress or cot and their own bedding (sleeping bag, sheets, etc). There are showers, so please bring your own towels/wash cloths. The cost of lodging at MRBC has increased to $7/person/day to offset their expenses.
There are plenty of rooms at Middle River. We will have options for family rooms as well as a men’s bunk room and a women’s bunk room (if needed). Please contact me with other questions.
Meal cost:
You will be responsible for your own meals going to and from Baltimore. We will group fund the cost of breakfast and the two full group dinners (Tuesday and Thursday night) at MRBC. Dinner Monday will be at the FCWM block party. Wednesday and Friday will be on your own expense (not a group cooking night). We will also have bag lunches for the week. Sandwiches, chips, drinks, and snacks. Please factor $20 per person for the week for this as we can buy in bulk.
My recommendation is that we group fund the two dinners and the breakfast for the week at $40 for individual, $80 for family of 2-4, and $120 for families of 5+. Additional to this would be the cost of lunches ($20/person for the week).
Last year, we did a set of t shirts that were $15/shirt. We will look at doing this again for the same price. Once we have a group to go, we will decide shirt colors.
Cost Breakdown:
Total trip per person will be determined by hotel lodging en route, t-shirts purchased, and family meal funding. One example would be a family of 4 staying in one room together would be a total cost of $175/person (hotel, MRBC, group meals, lunch, and 1 t-shirt). OR, if you are a family of two going and you buy two tshirts each (one of each color) would be a cost of $265/person. We can talk about special arrangements as necessary. Each family will receive a full breakdown of cost by May 1.
Alternative lodging:
Some of you may want to go on this trip but are not up for staying in a church room. We will not handle booking alternative space through the church for this trip. However, if you are interested in making your own reservations at a hotel, there is a Hampton Inn in White Marsh where Donny and Rita stayed last year. It books for around $120/night and is near Middle River Baptist. For reference, the church address is 610 Middle River Rd, Middle River, MD.
As with previous years, Baltimore County Public Schools will require us to complete their safety protocols. Once you have signed up to go, you will receive the link to complete this process. Please either screenshot your completion or print a copy to turn in. these will need to be sent to BCPS by May 20.
You can pay for your trip with cash or check in the office or giving in the worship service. You can also use our online giving platform to pay for your trip.