I want to thank you for taking this journey with me towards the Resurrection. This is the week where we pause to take special remembrance of the Promise that God made to save us and reflect on the sacrifice that made it possible. Quite honestly, Resurrection Sunday is my favorite day of the church year. This is what it is all about!
As we have journeyed toward Resurrection Sunday over the last two years, we have taken a special week to review Scripture and focus our hearts on Him. This year, our focus will be on the special statements that Jesus made about Himself in the Gospel of John. These are known as the “I Am” statements.
Each of these seven statements carry huge significance as they are just Jesus making a statement about what He is doing or how He feels. These seven statements will each begin with the covenant name of God: Yahweh. This is the unspoken name of God for Hebrews. Jesus is explicitly identifying Himself with God!
In our exploration of these statements, we will not only uncover how Jesus and God relate, but also what that means for us today. Each of these images will carry us to the Cross where the Son of God laid down His life for us.
As with last year, you will have song lyrics that carry the theme of the devotion. The target is for worship to well up within you as you read and pray. Each of the songs used are printed under CCLI license number 879072. There is also a YouTube link included for you to hear the song and worship along. As you read the Scripture and devotional reflection, my hope is that His sacrifice for us compels us to tell others about Him! Each day will conclude with a prayer of commitment and reflection.
I am praying for you as you prepare for Resurrection Sunday. I encourage you to bring others into this journey with you. I love you all and I will see you Sunday as we worship the Risen King together!
Pastor Evan.