So, a little moment of honesty for you today…I struggle with newsletter articles.
I am probably not going to surprise anyone with this revelation, I am sure. But, let me add some clarity.
- I am not a systematic person in general. Somethings require a systematic process. They require the details and the nitty gritty to be hammered out. I like systems, I see the benefit of systems, and I employ systems as needed. However, I am generally an operate outside of the system type. Everyone who has known me for more than 8 years is completely shocked by this revelation, I know.
- Though I am not systematic, I like knowing the map, where I am going, and how to get there. I do not like using a GPS that will tell me step by step and turn by turn. I like knowing the major roads and turns and figuring out the adventure of the journey as we go. This is why I like preaching through books of the Bible. It gives me that map so I know where I am going, but allows the adventure of the journey as we go.
- I am not a very organized person. I don’t have the bandwidth to organize all areas of my life. The areas where I do organize, I believe I do so well. For example, preaching calendars are my thing. Newsletter articles and time management are not. If I have the map of where I am going through a series of newsletters, they get written…If I don’t, Joy is emailing me at 1 something on Thursday afternoon to see if I have an article to submit.
- I like writing. I have fun writing. But, I don’t enjoy writing just to write. I enjoy writing when I have something to say and no one is around to listen to me talk. Truthfully, I would rather just tell you, but writing gets the point across to more people. I am kind of like the old song by Switchfoot, “I don’t wanna read the book, I’ll watch the movie.”[1]
That being said, I have a plan for the year that I want to attempt on these newsletters. Are you ready for the big idea?
It is a Scripture memory challenge!
Each week, I am going to bring you a verse from the sermon coming up that Sunday and challenge you to memorize it. Hiding the Word of God in our heart is one of the greatest defenses we have against our enemy and if we are doing this in community together, I believe we will grow as a church family.
Before I give you the verse of the week, let me add a layer of accountability to the challenge. Find someone in our church that you can reach out to every Friday to encourage in memorizing the verse of the week. Set a reminder in your phone to text or call that person each week. If you really want to build family relationships within the church, choose someone you don’t talk to every week already. That new bond will help each of you grow!
So, are you ready? Here is the verse of the week:
“Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.” Joshua 24.14, NASB
I am eager to know who is taking the challenge. I want you to know that I am praying for you already as you embark on this great journey.
[1] Jon Foreman, “Chem 6A” © 1997, re:think records.